API request parameters are categorized into two parts:

  • System Parameters: Parameters that are necessary for every API call.
  • Specific Parameters: Parameters specific to individual API calls or endpoints.

System Parameters

timestamplongCurrent request timestamp in milliseconds1687846491667yes
noncestringA 6-character random string24abxoyes
signstringThe digital signature of the request to prevent illegal tampering. Refer to the Signature section for the signing rules.eb881023045a167d3e4a7378bc212f53yes

Functional Parameters

Apart from the three parameters above, other parameters are Functional Parameters. Below is a request example.

Request Example


Using Postman as an example:


curl --location --request POST 'https://xx.xx.xx/api/v1/payout' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "pid": 1394705669275648,
    "currency": "195@195",
    "address": "TXsmKpEuW7qWnXzJLGP9eDLvWPR2GRn1FS",
    "amount": "0.1",
    "remark": "payout",
    "third_party_id": "1828fc39daaf4d318777e1211c055edf",
    "callback_url": "http://xxx.com/payout/callback",
    "nonce": "rR7ngZ",
    "timestamp": 1709708726668,
    "sign": "e95ba1a7e9bcadb92d9c3405a932715d"